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Primi Digital

“Revenue cures all evil!” Is an age old saying in the restaurant industry. At Primi Digital, our sole focus is to help drive revenue for our restaurant clients.

Primi Digital is full service marketing and technology agency specializing in restaurants. We offer the following services:

  • Social media management
  • Branding
  • Web design
  • App and custom technology development
  • SEO
  • Restaurant “performance marketing”

Our client base primarily consists of restaurants, food services businesses, and online food operations. Our team consists of individuals with deep restaurant and marketing backgrounds.

In addition to our marketing prowess, we offer cutting-edge technology solutions customized to meet the unique requirements of your business. From custom developed apps to ADA Compliance, and online ordering integration, our comprehensive range of services caters to your every marketing need.

NYC Hospitality Alliance members only offers: 

  • $1000 credit towards our fees
  • $99 ADA website compliance tool set up (normally $500) *ADA tool subscription additional cost.

To explore the full scope of our services, please visit our website at or contact us at